
Thank you for your willingness to give to the work of the Lord through Heritage Baptist Church.

Give Online

To give online, simply click here and follow the instructions on the next page.

Give by Text

1. Text “Give” to 815-384-6284

2. You will recieve a message asking, “how much would you like to give?”

3. Respond with an amount followed by a command from the list below* **


Example: $10 [fund name]




Children Materials for Children’s Classes
Deacon Deacon’s Fund
General General Fund
Music Band Fees or music fund
Special For current and announced special offerings (missions conference, revival services, love offerings, etc.)
Teen Teen Activities
Activity Current activity (pavilion night, men’s prayer breakfast, etc.)


*Begin with an amount. $10 is used as an example amount. Typing the $ sign is not necessary.

**Money given to general fund if not followed by a designated fund name.

Thank you for your willingness to give to the work of the Lord through Heritage Baptist Church.

Give Online

To give online, simply click here and follow the instructions on the next page.

Give by Text

1. Text “Give” to 815-384-6284

2. You will recieve a message asking, “how much would you like to give?”

3. Respond with an amount followed by a command from the list below* **


Example: $10 [fund name]




Children Materials for Children’s Classes
Deacon Deacon’s Fund
General General Fund
Music Band Fees or music fund
Special For current and announced special offerings (missions conference, revival services, love offerings, etc.)
Teen Teen Activities
Activity Current activity (pavilion night, men’s prayer breakfast, etc.)


*Begin with an amount. $10 is used as an example amount. Typing the $ sign is not necessary.

**Money given to general fund if not followed by a designated fund name.